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Hibiscus Palace Assisted Living Facility has no restrictions on visitations due to COVID-19.


About Us

Established in 2015, Hibiscus Palace Assisted Living Facilities is the result of a registered nurse’s personal mission of making a difference in the lives of seniors. This personal mission has become the company’s core principle and mission.

We strive hard to create a clean and comfortable home environment for our residents. Our staff to patient ratios make it easy to individualize the care provided, based on the needs of each resident.

We go above and beyond to attend to the needs of our residents.

Our Mission Statement
Providing superior quality care in a home environment

Visitation Policy

It is the policy of HIBISCUS PALACE group to ensure appropriate visitation is provided to our residents in a safe manner and follows good infection control practices and is in accordance with Florida Statute Section 408.823 (No Patient Left Alone Act) and 429.28(1)(d). At Hibiscus Palace, the health and well-being of our residents and staff is a top priority. Every action and measure that is put into place reflects our commitment to our residents, their families, and our community.
The State of Florida has provided guidance to assisted living facilities related to policy and procedure measures regarding visitation requirements. Hibiscus Palace will continue to promote visitation while adjusting infection control protocols to also reduce the risk of infection to those who reside and work within the community.
General Visitation Recommendations:
We allow in person visitation in all circumstances, unless the resident, client, or the Guardian or Responsible party objects.
Visitation can be conducted through different means, in resident rooms, dedicated visitation spaces, and outdoors. Regardless of how visits are conducted, certain core principles and best practices that reduce the risk of infection transmission apply and are listed below:
1. It is recommended that visitors refrain from visiting if they have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 for the duration noted by health authorities.
2. There are several options and spaces for visitation to take place, such as in resident rooms, communal visitation spaces, and outdoor spaces.
3. General visiting hours: 9 am to 9 pm. Special consideration of other residents’ regular bedtimes is taken into consideration for this individual community. (Essential caregivers are allowed open visitation)
4. Number of visitors allowed: No restrictions but within reason based on the size of the facility and space limitations.
5. The resident or POA may designate a particular person/person who may stay with the resident around the clock in emergencies, extenuating circumstances, or life-threatening situations.
6. There are no restrictions to in-person visitation except when the resident objects.
7. Consensual contact is acceptable; if unsure, please ask the resident beforehand.
8. Visitation is accepted if a resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support families.
9. Visitation is accepted in End-of-life situations.
10. Visitation is accepted if a resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died. Also, the facility will provide emotional support to the patient and assist them through the grieving process.
11. Visitation is accepted if a resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member. Also, the facility staff will continue this process in lieu of family member.
12. Visitation is accepted if a resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.
13. Visitors are NOT required to show proof of immunization or vaccination status.

Infection Control and Education for Visitors
Reducing the Risk of Transmitting infectious diseases.
There are certain core principles and best practices that reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission.
These core principles are consistent with CDC and other health authority guidance and can help prevent unknowing transmission of infection. We encourage you to join our efforts in reducing the risk of infection by practicing these measures both inside and outside of the community.
• We recommend Avoid visiting your loved one if you are ill or have been around someone who is ill in the last 4-7 days.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
• When you cough, or sneeze use the inside of your elbow.
Instructions for Self-Screening
Self-screenings can be used as the first line of defense to prevent the spread of Infection. Visitors are encouraged to avoid visiting the community for visitation if they are experiencing any of the below symptoms:
• Elevated temperature of 99.1° Fahrenheit or above
• Chills
• Cough, congestion, or nasal dripping
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue, muscle, or body aches
• Headache, sore throat
• New loss of taste or smell
• Nausea or vomiting, diarrhea

Masks are not mandatory but are recommended when experiencing flu-like symptoms to avoid the potential spread to residents. Masks will be made available for visitors if needed.
* Visitation can still be allowed in the residence when an outbreak occurs. Families will be notified ahead of time. *
State Representative Visitation
The facility will not deny access to any state representative. These visitors will be required to adhere to the facility’s general visitation guidelines.
Suspension of Visitation
The facility may suspend access to all visitations temporarily if:
1. There is a communicable disease that the Health Department finds has an infection rate that presents a serious risk
2. The facility is experiencing a temporary staffing shortage, which it has been reported to the state
3. There is an acute emergency at the facility, such as loss of power, or loss of an essential service.
The implementation of this policy and adherence to this policy is by the Administrator of the community.
We appreciate your support and understanding during this time